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Re: Breaking Dawn-I liked it

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 3:09 pm
by Barnabas
Just finished "Breaking Dawn", and I LOVED it!

I laughed out loud when Bella realized that Jacob had imprinted on Renesmee. I was going, "Oh, no! Oh, jeez! Oh, no!" My wife and daughter were sitting next to me, and they haven't gotten to BD yet. They were looking at me like I was nuts.

And I cried like a baby when Bella was getting Renesmee ready to run away with Jacob during the confrontation with the Volturi. I had to stop reading until my eyes cleared up.

I can't remember the last time a book made me have that kind of emotional reaction once, let alone twice.

Re: Breaking Dawn-I liked it

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 4:21 am
by leannia
but I just felt Bella’s immense affection for her before she was born was a bit much to handle. She should have freaked out more in my mind.
I may be wrong, but this sounds like someone who has never had a child. For me, from the moment I found out I was pregnant (all 5 times) there was an imediate and immense affection for my child. While I was reading this book, It was very obvious that SM is married with children because she nailed all the emotions from the honeymoon jitters to pregnancy to childbirth to the shifting focus from yourselves to your child (as Edward said, it's all a matter of prioritizing and perspective or something like that) and the natural progression a relationship makes when going from dating to married. For those who have not experienced those events, I can see how they would feel that Edward and Bella "changed".

There was less making-out in this book, but we've already had three (well, two and a half) books of that.... Honsestly, SM couldn't get any more detailed and have it stay a YA book. And for those who know what she is talking about, it's much more intimate (Is that the right word?) than the first 3 books.

Sometimes I think that some of her fans forget that these books actually have a plot and storyline - it's not just a backdrop for Edward and Bella to kiss and cuddle.

Re: Breaking Dawn-I liked it

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:31 am
by twilightmom
please delete this

Re: Breaking Dawn-I liked it

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 4:05 pm
by adizzle
All of my cousins were really disappointed by it, but i loved it. I think it was my favorite.

Re: Breaking Dawn-I liked it

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 4:09 pm
by leannia
by twilightmom

Hi there it's "twilightmom" here...

I just made a major mistake, and posted to the "only once" thread. Ugg! Anyhow, you're comments on the book made me really think about what bothered me. Here is the post I removed from the thread... Thanks for challenging me to dig deeper!

leannia wrote:
I may be wrong, but this sounds like someone who has never had a child. For me, from the moment I found out I was pregnant (all 5 times) there was an imediate and immense affection for my child.
Oh no, I am a mom of two... I understand the feelings, and I agree, she did get them right. Everyone has different emotions tied with pregnancy, and I loved every minute (almost) of mine. It's just that to me, it seemed out of character for Bella. BUT, maybe I just wasn't ready for this twist, so my mind was fighting against it as I read it. OR, maybe I was so mad at Edward's reactions throughout the pregnancy, that Bella's fight for the baby seemed over-the-top to me. I also could explain (to myself) that Bella's feelings were so strong b/c Renesmee may have been projecting her love back into Bella. I don't know... Either way, it didn't really take away from the story for me. In the end, I am happy with Renesmee. So, I guess it doesn't matter much how we got there.

As for the snuggling, I agree, the books are a story of love and life for several characters. BUT the romance was a nice addition. I thing that SM really got those "butterfly" feelings correct!

Okay, so I was just fixing breakfast for my kids, and I think I figured it out... This is what bothers me... If I were a new 18-year-old bride (I didn't get married until much later), and I found out I was pregnant with a vampire's baby... Um, I'd freak a little first. Then I would want to sit down and talk to my husband about it. Bella and Edward have this amazing connection, they are "soul mates." I wanted them to hash this pregnancy thing out together. But instead, Bella turned to Rose, and Edward, well, he was just stupid at points. And, I think that is what upset me. I wanted to see them grow together during this period. Again, it all worked out. But that is why I was upset. (It was my expectations vs. what happened).
I agree that I really disliked Edward's reaction at first. I was very, very angry that he wanted to abort the baby. :evil: Especially after having wished that he could get her pregnant! Her fight for her baby didn't seem over the top at all to me. She's dealing with 2 people that she loves deeply and is willing to die for, and one wants to kill the other! While she loves both intensely she protects the one that cannot protect itself. (Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but it's nothing to a mother protecting her child) I was absolutely stunned that Carlisle, who has such value for human life, was willing to do it! Having read the partial of MS though, I can sort of understand where Edward's coming from. All Edward saw was that Bella would most likely die from this and,even worse, it would be "his fault". I am glad that when he "heard" the baby before her birth that he had a change of heart. I guess pregnancy is harder on the guys because it's not actually happening to them, they are just watching and it's hard for them to wrap their brain around what's happening - for the first child, anyway. When he heard the baby's thoughts, then she became a person worthy of protection too which is why, at her birth, he waited for someone to take her before he got back to taking care of Bella. :) (I did get a kick out of Jacob's "throw it out the window" though.)

Re: Breaking Dawn-I liked it

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 11:44 pm
by rapidheartbeat<3twi
Even though I didn't like Edward's reaction, can you blame him? He's the vampire, he has some idea (even if it's a vague one) about what is going to happen. At this point (when Bella has told him she's pregnant) he thinks the baby will kill her. Let's stop a second: Edward is completely, hoplessly, insanely, totally IN LOVE with this girl. He even tried to commit suicide when she "died." She is his life. And now, he has found out that something is going to take her away from him. . . How would you feel about the killer of your soul-mate? Not only does he think that the baby will kill her, he isn't sure of anything. Edward, an intelligent person who usually knows what is going on, is totally blind. He doesn't know what to expect. Alice can't help him, and say that it will be okay. Of course he is not going to feel love for the baby the way Bella does. Now, if you look at his reaction once Bella gets healthier, he starts to show some affection. He even seems a little, teeny tiny bit happy when he hears Renesmee for the first time. He starts to see things looking up, you know? He's thinking, "This might just be okay. I'm going to be a father. Bella is going to live." I think is justified, (Even though I still didn't like it!!!) in his not-so-happy reaction towards Bella's pregnancy.

Re: Breaking Dawn-I liked it

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:33 am
by Christie
BD cracked me up! I loved it from start to finish! I wanted more and I was dissapointed that there wasnt a fight in the end. I so wanted to Volts to get shut down.

Re: Breaking Dawn-I liked it

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:00 pm
by anilu
I LOVED Breaking Dawn, it's not my favorite book from the Saga but I still loved it.

Naturally, there were some things I didn't like (i.e Edward's first reaction to the baby :evil: ) but mostly this book got me emotionally exhausted hahaha xD I laughed (a lot), I cried, I was in shock.. everything...I was really scared of reading the end, when I realized I had like three chapters left I started slowing down my reading, I didn´t want it to end but when I finished the book, the ending could not have been more perfect. The perfect ending for Bella, Edward and now Renesmee :D

Re: Breaking Dawn-I liked it

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:21 am
by Lauren Hale
Breaking Dawn was great, i think the whole plot was set PERFECTLY, i was surpriesed when jake imprinted on nessie, however i'm happy that now he has someone else totruely care about an dlove. Im very very pleased that Bella is finally a vampire.

Re: Breaking Dawn-I liked it

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:06 pm
by slayerchick303
Is there ever going to be a chapter-by-chapter discussion forum for Breaking Dawn?