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Re: Braces

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:32 pm
by SethisMine
my friends all have braces, and I'm the freak because I was pretty much born with perfect straight teeth. My dentist was joking and said that If i really wanted them he could paint them on for me. :D

Re: Braces

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:47 pm
by psugar
I'm so happy, last week I finally got to get rid of my bite plate(kind of like a retainer when you have braces as movie Edward would say 'you can google it') now I just have top and bottom braces. I got the top braces in Feburary(nothing quite says 'happy birthday' more that a hunk of metal in your mouth) then I got the bite plate in June. Later I got bottoms in the summer. That's basically it, I'm stuck with them till I'm in 9th grade. I kind of like them though.

Re: Braces

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 4:46 am
by Landiana
i have had the worst experince with braces. first i had to have a plate to bring my jaw forward, which mean that i could not close my mouth properly, and i had to deal with the constant pain of my jaw moving. then i had to have four teeth taken out because there was not enough room in my mouth for all my teeth. now i have train tracks, and have had them for a year. fun fun

Re: Braces

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 4:27 pm
by clariissaa
I just got my braces off today! :D
I had them for two years. They weren't so bad, but still.
It's all smooth and stuff. Weird.

Re: Braces

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:59 pm
by debussygirl
I actually didn't mind my braces. I kinda liked them, getting to chose the different colors to go with the holiday or your mood. And I never listened to what they said to and not to eat. I mean, my ortho said no pizza! I was just like, um no. I am eating pizza. But I hated my retainer. It was so annoying having to take it out to eat, then they never came clean! I would rather deal with the braces.

Re: Braces

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 9:24 pm
by raerae267
I wanted to get braces. in fact iwas really excited about them. i got out of school all day just to get them on. so i was pretty have about that. But the second the put the first wire on. i wanted to scream it hurt so bad. but then i got used to them after about year. the only thing that sucked was getting them tighted. but im sure that sucks for everyone.

The only thing you need to do is not chew on pens or ice and you'll be fine. and check your teeth after you eat ANYTHING!!!!!! trust me on that!!! lol but it's true!!!!

Re: Braces

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 10:18 pm
by edward x lover
I had a mouth full of metal for four years!!!!!! I just got them off last summer. But I liked them too. I really didn't mind them. Don't get me wrong I love my new teeth but they always made me feel like I had jewelery on LOL. I hate my retainer too but I only have to wear it at night now so it doesn't matter.

Re: Braces

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 10:23 pm
by 37yearoldfan
I had braces from the time I was 9 to 15. I don't even know if they use bands anymore but,I remember have to go to the Ortho once a month to have them replaced and how much my teeth hurt afterwards. I also remember getting them and how weird my teeth felt after having them for so long!

Re: Braces

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 11:31 am
by Landiana
well i ahve to go every 8 weeks and they replace the wires and you can chose a differnt colour for your bands. i think the problem with braces for me is that i am the old one out now. all of my friends have had them and are finished with them, so its awkward. and they are just plain irritating.

to quote seth they "just plain suck rocks"

Re: Braces

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:33 am
by bite_me

i didn't mind braces. they didn't hurt much (to me), except it was gross when something would get stuck and it would come loose in my mouth hours later and it would be like, 'oh i forgot i had broccoli for lunch'.
but apart from that they were fine.

but the retainer was reeaallllyy annoying when i had to wear it during the day because i would play with it and drop it and chew on it (not one after the other) and food would get stuck it there even if it was a jelly baby or something.

but now i ionly have to wear it when i sleep :mrgreen: :D :mrgreen: :D :mrgreen: :D :mrgreen: :D :mrgreen: :D