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Pegate para aca y siente el impacto (Hispanic Twilighters)

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:23 pm
by Pel
Translation of title: Step over here and feel the impact (more or less. "Step over here" was the closest translation to the idiom. "Pegate" literally means "glue yourself" which is definitely not what he meant! lol)

Daddy Yankee-Impacto

Lyrics and translation

Re: Pegate para aca y siente el impacto (Hispanic Twilighters)

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:02 pm
by simplymortal314
Now where are all my latino buddies? =]
I'm happy this thread is here.
I started watching Lola, my gosh. Alexander is very good-lookin'. I really like it. Now instead of watching Primer Impacto (which is by far the worst news show. They can't even speak correctly. And their weather person doesn't know what she is talking about. I can understand the same things she says just by looking at the map. She's not even a meterologist) we watch Lola, érase una vez.
The other one I watch Al Diablo con los Guapos, is turning out very good, I have a new apreciation for Florinda (I like using Mili's name for her =]). I am very fausterated with Hugo. He is one of my favorites and I don't like this side of him, I like the other Hugo. And thanks to I figured there are only 22 episodes left.
The only other novela I watch would be Fuego en la Sangre. I think Franco is my favorite. Eduardo Yenez is great in this show, not as passionate is in Distilando Amor, but great nontheless.
I don't like Querida Amiga, beacuse the character development is weak and so are they. Such great actors Gabriel Soto is one of my favorites. The characters have no personality really. The only strong character is Sara.
Wow, I can go on and on about novelas. So what kind of music do you all like?

Re: Pegate para aca y siente el impacto (Hispanic Twilighters)

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:38 pm
by Eri
I think i can be included in the latino group and as you've talked about novelas it's my turn. I don't usually watch them but my mum is totally addicted to them, se can watch two or more novelas each day and i still don't understand how she gets all the plots and characters.
One of the novelas i really liked and which had a great success in Spain was Pasion de Gavilanes (although i watched mainly because of the male actors, haha)

Re: Pegate para aca y siente el impacto (Hispanic Twilighters)

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 7:16 pm
by Elizabeth
My grandparents totally killed the telenovelas for me. I know some people who don't even know Spanish and love watching them. I just don't think the sets look authentic, every novela has the crapiest looking hopsital rooms I've ever seen! I'm just used to the forever-running American Soap Operas with the craziest plots imaginable. Marlena possessed by the Devil on Days, anyone remember that? Don't even get me started about Primer Impacto, they show the grossest things- for crying out loud, some people are eating dinner at that time!
~Elizabeth (formerly known as RealGirlsLikeFastCars)

Re: Pegate para aca y siente el impacto (Hispanic Twilighters)

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:12 pm
by Anarey
Latina here!! In the worst day of my life but still here ;)
Pegate means get close to in that song but come on, Daddy Yankee? I can't express with words how much I hate that guy, probably because I've listened to his songs when he started singing 14 yrs ago. There are way much better latin singers.(sorry pel) ;)

Re: Pegate para aca y siente el impacto (Hispanic Twilighters)

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:41 pm
by museicalking
my great uncle is che guevara, he's awesome. :mrgreen:

Re: Pegate para aca y siente el impacto (Hispanic Twilighters)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:25 pm
by Nena
Holy cow! you should have a siggy that says something about the lines "Che Guevara is my grandpa" or something. I loved Diarios de Motocicleta with Garcia Bernal. A lot of people told me that the whole story was sugar coated and that it didn't happen that way, but still I thought it was a great show.

I used to be hooked on Novelas, I seriously watched tons with my grandma who was also an addict to them lol.
I agree with you Elizabeth. I hate all those "news" shows. They don't have real news, everything is either scandals or something horrible. I don't watch that much tv anymore, but when I do, I hardly ever watch the Spanish channels.

Re: Pegate para aca y siente el impacto (Hispanic Twilighters)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:29 pm
by ana;
I'm from venezuela.
So I can be added here!

Haha. It's like the latin hip-hop.

Re: Pegate para aca y siente el impacto (Hispanic Twilighters)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:10 pm
by StickStones&&Techno
i missed this thread (:

i'm not from any latin american countries, but i am hispanic.
i was born in texas, but i am extremely fluent in spanish, so fluent i speak it better than my spanish teacher (:
lovee the food.
and the boys (:
and the music.
and the dancing.

Re: Pegate para aca y siente el impacto (Hispanic Twilighters)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:42 pm
by Mrs.Mylifenow,Cullen
Well I'm from Guatemala but I've lived in the US since I was 8. I am a proud Latina but would not leave the US. I speak fluent Spanish and read it of course. And no body can tell that I wasn't born here. I used to watch telenovelas when I was in my early teen's, but learned to hate them because I find them so cheese and stupid because most of them are the same story told over and over again with diferent characters, and the fact that very few of the main character women are not these poor, proud, too inocent till "life" happens to them, and they fall in love with a guy that treats them like crap at some point, and they never truly get togeather till the end. Just writing about it right now is Pssss me of. I love movies and series life CSI.Crime scene (I cried when Warrick died), True Blood (Vampire series on HBO, great highly recomend it), Scrubs (for a laugh), Ugly Betty (because it's the English version of one of the few novelas that I did like Betty La Fea the Colombian version not the Mexican one) I have many more but you I wouldn't have enough space, they would probably delete it because it was too long. The few shows that I like in Spanish are Bayly, Tu night Tu noche, and Discovery en spanol, I do love the Black and White movies from the 40's 50's and 60's and a few new ones. I'm not hating on Spanish television it's that I have no patience for it.