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Heavenly Hash--a thread for the "older" Twilight crowd

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:01 pm
by Pel
This is a thread specifically for Adult users to gather and discuss the books, their lives, and other interests. This thread is rated "G". Please avoid all sexual connotation when posting here, leave the gutter talk to the Gutter Girls.

As you were.

Re: Heavenly Hash--a thread for the "older" Twilight crowd

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:08 pm
by una
Sigh, I love new board smell! :D Welcome back fellow heavenly-hashers! I've missed our twilightizers. Now with the release of BD we have so much more we can relate to. So to get our beloved board rolling:

Twilightize: Nuns on the Run

Re: Heavenly Hash--a thread for the "older" Twilight crowd

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:43 pm
by jenni_elyse
Woo hoo! I'm so excited that the forums are working!!! I love the look of the new boards and the new smilies too! :D

Re: Heavenly Hash--a thread for the "older" Twilight crowd

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:15 pm
by Carrie80
Yay! Welcome back friends!

Re: Heavenly Hash--a thread for the "older" Twilight crowd

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:57 pm
by jenni_elyse
I just realized that I didn't Twilight-ize Una's suggestion. Well, seeing as how I've never seen Nuns on the Run, I'm not sure how good I'm going to be. However, just based on the name, I'd have to say that with Edward and Bella's new spare time activity in Breaking Dawn, they'd definitely have some nuns on the run. ;)

Twilight-ize: The Other Boleyn Girl

Re: Heavenly Hash--a thread for the "older" Twilight crowd

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:16 pm
by Bewitched
Ok, this one I can do. In The Other Boleyn Girl two sister compete for the love of one guy (the king)
Edward and Jacob compete for Bella's love.

Twilight-ize: 21 I just got it from Netflix. Jim Sturgess is too cute.

Re: Heavenly Hash--a thread for the "older" Twilight crowd

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 3:52 am
by Goodnight Elizabeth
Woo hoo!! I have missed this thread. I really enjoy applying our love of Twilight to other pop culture mediums. It's not a's an obsession.

I haven't seen 21, but from what I have gathered from the previews, a professor teaches some extremely bright kids how to count cards. We could relate the professor to Carlisle, for he is the leader of the Cullens. The students are no ordinary students in that they are very bright and are able to count cards. The same goes with the Cullens. They aren't ordinary vampires. They also have their special tricks. Alice and Edward with their special ESP gifts are able to cheat as well. Was that OK?

Twilightize: Keeping the Faith

Re: Heavenly Hash--a thread for the "older" Twilight crowd

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 9:00 am
by nissanmama
Hey all! Since we're not allowed to make this a gaming thread only, let me pose a question:
Were you hoping for a "fight" between the Cullens and the Volturi? Were you disappointed or relieved when it became a battle of strategy instead of life?

Keeping the Faith: This is about two boys in love with the same girl. Both of them feel they can't pursue her because of their religion. Edward feels he can't persue Bella because being a vampire rules his life, it's his religion, even affecting what he thinks of the afterlife. Jacob does his best to stay away from Bella as well because his "religion" prohibits him from letting her get close to him either. Like the priest and rabbi in the movie, Edward and Jacob can't help themselves from wanting to spend time with Bella, even trying to sabbotage Bella's opinion of the other. Regardless of their struggles, it's the girl in both stories who ends up deciding for herself who she wants to marry.

How about starting a new twist to the mental exercise in celebration of the new board? We've done inanimate objects and movies, how about books? I'll start with an easy one, Twilightize: Pride and Prejudice

Re: Heavenly Hash--a thread for the "older" Twilight crowd

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 11:39 am
by jenni_elyse
Were you hoping for a "fight" between the Cullens and the Volturi? Were you disappointed or relieved when it became a battle of strategy instead of life?

There was part of me that was hoping for a fight, but I'm glad it ended up just being a battle of wits, if you will. If the fight had turned physical, I'm sure Bella would've been "fine" just not very helpful because she didn't know how to fight. Bella needed her chance to shine above the others because she had been in everyone's shadows since Twilight. It was her turn to save the ones she loved rather than be saved. So, I'm glad in the end it was her power that kept everyone at peace, so that they could convince Aro to see reason. Plus, it opens up the universe for more possibilities.

Pride and Prejudice: Well, since I've never read the book or seen the movies ( :oops: ), but I know a little about the story, as far as I know it's about a girl who rises above her station in life. She falls in love with someone who is at a higher class than she is and he falls in love with her too. In Bella and Edward's case, Bella falls in love with someone who she believes is unattainable. However, without her knowing for part of the story, the unattainable person had fallen in love with her too. In they end, they end up together. ;)

Twilightize: Dune

Re: Heavenly Hash--a thread for the "older" Twilight crowd

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 3:49 pm
by Katwomankath
Yay the Hash is alive and well!
I have to say I wish there would have been a little more details of the story behind the scenes of the Volturi. I was glad that none of the Characters I have grown to love were offed but it did seem to go to smoothly. Because of Alice being able to bring the Amazons, too many witnesses, and Bella's strong defensive power it just was such an over whelming blow to the Volturi it left them with out much to be able to do. I would love to see where Stephenie would go from here because I see it going strong in so many different directions. I would love to read about the eventual show down that leaves winner take all. I just don't think there was enough room in this book to encompass it all. I hope Stephanie's love and passion for the characters she has created will bring her back to take this story much further.
I will pass on the the Twilightize this time. I know nothing about Dune.