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Re: Rob's Halfway House #11

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:19 pm
by Susie
Hi All!

Sorry I was MIA yesterday - I was writing my speech for this week's Toastmasters meeting. I usually write it a couple of days before so I have time to practice it. It's called "Just the Right Age" and it's about how I feel about age. Some of you have something to do with this...

Today was the last day of school before the Thanksgiving break, so we had a huge potluck party. TONS of food from all over the world. Since it is an adult program, we get some goooood cookin' and we don't have to worry about behavior problems - unless it's me behaving badly at the buffet table,taking way too much food! :lol:

I'm going to treat myself to another viewing of BD2 this afternoon. I think I'll go to the VIP 21+ theatre again, even though I'll probably be one of 4 people up there and it's too early for a drink. I just love those comfy seats! I'm not going to start drinking yet because later, I have dinner plans with two girlfriends for my birthday. (Yes, I stretch out the celebrating for at least 2 weeks)

Talk to you later!

p.s. Anyone traveling for Thanksgiving? Be Safe. I'm just going 35 minutes away to my parents.

Re: Rob's Halfway House #11

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:09 pm
by Chernaudi
Hi everyone :)

First off, I have to say that I did finally get BD1 on DVD today. I probably won't watch it tonight because I have to get caught up on some stuff and I want to try and get back on a good sleeping schedule, which might help with work and my mood, and I'm gonna need it soon (see later in this post).

I also got SWATH, as well, and if only Cosmopolis was out--love or loathe the film, it is probably Rob's best and most powerful work released to date and it's got a dark appeal to it based on it's plot--more on that, later.

Tomorrow, I do hope to go see my grandma in the hospital--not the one I live with, my other one. She's been up their for a while and isn't faring too well right now. Only problem--I hope to do it when certain family members aren't up there. Some of the members of my family on my father's side--though none are those who I'm close to such as my father--are being real pricks about certain things and are just acting...well...unacceptably by my standards to put it lightly. I could say what I really feel, but this board would censor it and I'd probably upset the mods here. I'm just dreading running into those people...

Now some comments.

Beth: It's OK. I'm fine with not seeing it. I'm just not a movie theater/movie night person. I'm also not a very social person, and some of it does go back to me feeling the odd man out (literally) in the fandom. Unless it's with a girl, you'll be hard pressed to find a male who'd willingly watch the Twilight films. I'm not saying that's it's an absolute (I know that there are male Twifans out there aside from myself), but you won't find many where I live. I'd rather just wait on the DVD to come out. I already know that I'll have to do with with Cosmopolis.

Why my interest in Cosmopolis (aside from Rob, that is): I know that Cosmopolis has a bit of an anti-corporate/anti-big business and an anti-technology message, not in those things in general, but in how certain people use such things and how they can detach people from their realities.

Well, here's what interest me in those concepts and how David handled them when he wrote the film adaption and how the novel dealt with them. In 1985, there was a manga in Japan that sort of touched on the same corporate/big business and technology gone berserk angle, and that manga was, of course, Bio-Booster Armor Guyver. It has the views of it's author on the subject of such things going out of control or being used irresponsibly written all over it in it's tone and subplots. Just think about it: A high school kid becomes an armor-plated superhero thanks to alien designed bionic battle armor that belonged to an evil alien run corporation until some idiot who helped run things lot all three Bio-Booster Armor units. This corporation is run by a mixture of people, most of whom are amoral and unscrupulous and are hell-bent on ruling the world. And as such, said teenager turned armor-plated superhero must battle evil alien creatures sent out by said evil international corporation to kill him and retrieve the Guyver units, which they had hoped to use in their world conquest.

Cosmopolis puts a more realistic, more contemporary twist on this plot. You have a young, successful business man who is so detached from the world around him that it basically makes him go insane, and Eric's own amorality and shadiness catches up with him as well.

That's not to say that, in spite of my negative opinions on them a lot of the time, that big business is a bad thing, or technology is a bad thing--as I'm demonstrating here, it's a good thing, when used properly. Businesses are good things when run properly. It's when irresponsible, amoral people end up in charge or in command of such things that such things go berserk and run out of control. Some people let power go to their heads and it can ruin them if they let that detach them too much and if they don't stay grounded. That is the polar opposite of Rob, because he has largely stayed grounded and not let fame go to his head. But maybe that's why his performance worked so well--he was being the opposite of what he really seems to be. Rob seems to be really grounded and knowing how not to let certain things consume him, which might help him when he has to portray the polar opposite.

And, interestingly, someone said that someone would be good in a live action version of Guyver or as a voice actor in a new Guyver cartoon on a Guyver fan forum. The man in question as being good for those roles? Rob Pattinson.

Everyone: I might try and work on my fan fic tonight, but that might be a bit of a stretch to be honest. I'll be glad if I can stay up the next couple of hours and get something to eat. Even at that, I'll try and get back up and eat something that I have to eat soon just to make room in the refrigerator for Thanksgiving stuff.

I also have work tomorrow and after that, I don't work for four days :) I also plan on getting some Twilight books I don't have yet tomorrow, and on Friday, I hope to get my new MP3 player, too.

I'll be back later :)

Re: Rob's Halfway House #11

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:12 pm
by Openhome
*waves magic wand once again*

By order of the all-knowing and all-seeing Lexicon powers that be, you are now ABLE TO POST IMAGES IN THE THREADS!

The following rules MUST BE FOLLOWED:

1. Images must be legal to post
2. Images cannot be larger than 600 X 400
3. The must be PG-13 or lower in rating.

Look who's happy about that!!


Re: Rob's Halfway House #11

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:40 pm
by Amanda Beth
Okay, so I can sum up my Breaking Dawn Part 2 reaction in full affect now!

Re: Rob's Halfway House #11

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:18 pm
by Openhome
Oh, nice one, Amanda Beth!

Re: Rob's Halfway House #11

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:33 pm
by twilightsagaaddict
Amanda Beth ~ yep, that pic pretty much sums it up! :D

Re: Rob's Halfway House #11

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:11 pm
by corona
I'd post a pic with me and my best friend Rob, but Kristen kind of finagled her way in too, so it's too big to post. Chicks cause problems.

And just to be clear:


That's my new catchphrase.

You have to say it with a little gusto, but the real anger is in your eyes, not your voice.

Don't try this in public until you get it down right. You don't want spittle flying.

Mmmm, this Alaskan Winter Ale is good.

Re: Rob's Halfway House #11

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:32 pm
by Amanda Beth
There's an addition to the bbcode you can add so images can be resized -- we had them on the old board.

Listening to the BD2 soundtrack on Spotify and I don't think I'll ever be able to hear A Thousand Years again without getting all sentimental.

I need to get out of the house -- I've been sick THEN yesterday I came down with food poisoning. I'm going stir crazy.

Re: Rob's Halfway House #11

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:41 pm
by TwilightFan87
I've spent the last three hours reading midnight sun and I officially hate the person who leaked it all over the Internet because I just want to finish the book and curl up in the delightful ness that is the twilight world....aaaaasgh!!!!

I have a headache from staring at my phone for so long but it's worth it. How can Stephanie not finish them???

It did a good job of explaining the question I'd had though.

I'm now even more of a robward fan that I used to be. I used to love Jacob (Taylor's so cute) but sawooooning after MS. Jacob who? Bahaha.

I'll come back later to respond coherently to posts.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ]

Re: Rob's Halfway House #11

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:56 pm
by corona
  • No more mistakes. I hit the gas, and then sighed as she disappeared behind me. It seemed like I was always running toward Bella or running away from her, never staying in place. I would have to find some way to hold my ground if we were ever going to have any peace.

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This is all I'm ever going to get!!!

Are you kidding me? This stops before the MEADOW SCENE???
