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Re: Rob's HH #12: Sisterhood of the Pattinson

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:09 am
by Tornado
Sarah - yeah, I'm feeling a bit conflicted about it too, but I'm determined not to give in. Those things should have been on the original release. I've also noticed that there don't seem to be any on BD Pt 2 either, so how long is it before the double extended edition is produced, and we have to buy the extended edition of Pt 1 again in order to get the extended edition of part 2!

Sean - I hope the turkey's yum and that the fanfic keeps chugging along ...

Re: Rob's HH #12: Sisterhood of the Pattinson

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:01 am
by Chernaudi
Hi everyone.

Sorry I'm late tonight, but I had kinda a crappy day at work and I was tired and not feeling well at all today. If I have to be honest, there's a few things going on at work that have been bothering me lately, and I hope that I can talk to my boss about it tomorrow.

The turkey last night turned out pretty well, and I'll probably have some more tonight before I get to bed. I have some wood to split that's about it with things I have to do tonight. I also get paid tomorrow, so I'll probably try on my way home from work to get those new Lay's potato chips that are out now.

I'll be back later :)

Re: Rob's HH #12: Sisterhood of the Pattinson

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:46 am
by marielle
Good morning everybody.

I’m sorry I haven’t been here the last two days. I have been sick. I had a major headache that wouldn’t go away. After spending some time in the first real spring sunlight I felt a lot better and I went back to work this morning.

I haven’t been able to catch up on anything that is happening in the world. I only saw the last day of the pope.


Lynne, yeah, Australia will be worth the money. Did you know that it was close to 24 hour traveling from Holland to Australia. It depends on how long your wait is in Singapore. It will be hellish to do that. I already hated the 9 hours flight back from New York. But that could have been the plane being too small and uncomfortable.

Sarah, yes, at Ikea you always end up spending more money than you had planned. I still need to get a few cabinets for organizing my clothes and bed covers.
You know I totally forgot that the dvd release is this weekend! I haven’t even ordered it yet…

Alright, I’m off!!!

Re: Rob's HH #12: Sisterhood of the Pattinson

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:37 pm
by Suzan
Hey guys! Just a quick one as I'm on the train again. You gotta love free wifi. ;) I've had a complete meltdown earlier this week. It's been going with ups and downs for several weeks already, but I finally cracked. It's a case of too much stress. I'm absolutely swamped in schoolwork. Which is completely my own fault, but I don't really know how to fix it at this point. I'm fine now (as I said; ups and downs, plus it's Friday!), but I need to make some serious changes and get into some kind of new rhythm. My parents are helping me on Sunday to do some major cleaning in my room, which looks exactly like the inside of my head; like something has exploded. Hopefully that will help me clear my head a bit and get some renewed motivation for my studies. Just thought you might like to know what's going on. But enough about me. We have a new Halfway House! Love the new name! Reminded me of Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, one of my fave movies! Speaking of the Traveling Pattinson. Where's ActionRob??? And I have to say I'm rather disappointed with the amount of decorations in here... I'll be back with some pics (and replies) when I reach a real pc. Hope you're all well! See you soon!

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Re: Rob's HH #12: Sisterhood of the Pattinson

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 3:32 pm
by Tornado
Morning all!

It's Saturday here, and it's raining ... again. It will probably rain all weekend. I'm starting to think I live in Forks! I'm so fed up with it. Our church is supposed to be involved in Clean Up Australia Day tomorrow. That's when people sign up to help clean up a park, or something like that, of litter. I don't know if it will go ahead in this weather.

Sean - I hope you can get things sorted out with your boss.

marielle - yeah, long plane flights can be killers. I was born in England, and we went back there for a visit in 1987. The trip took 30 hours! (It was cheaper to go the long way) I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. Hopefully that headache stays away.

Suzan - I'm sorry that the inside of your head is being annoying. It's hard, isn't it? Hopefully cleaning the house will have a cathartic effect.

Re: Rob's HH #12: Sisterhood of the Pattinson

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:04 pm
by TwilightFan87
Hey all :)

Today is my hang out day- went and saw my friend Megan this morning, now my mum tonight :) this weekend I hope to accomplish the usual of studying and housework while I make sure hubby relaxes :)

Lynne- that's a great point :) part of me wants to go to Barnes and Noble for the freebie but then again I love that Target has extra footage. Such a hard decision!! We've barely had any rain this year, very mild for us, it's so weird!!

Hi Marielle! Hope you feel better soon :) I'm hoping to head back to Ikea in a few weeks to maybe update our comforter..Jason and I don't currently share one right now- we each have individual ones and I'm thinking about upgrading it :)

Suzan- that sounds awful to be so overwhelmed and sick :( no fun. I know it's rough :( hang in there!

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Re: Rob's HH #12: Sisterhood of the Pattinson

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 4:08 am
by Chernaudi
Hi everyone.

I got a few things sorted out at work today. I've just had a couple of pretty stressful days and I don't multi-task very well when I'm very busy. Some of it is stuff that can't be controlled, but some if it has been a bit of a problem at times. But at least I got things sorted out.

I'll probably be asleep by about 8:00 this morning, considering that I got home, got something to eat and went to sleep at about 6:00 until 11:00. I have to say that cold weather is very tiring, especially when there's a lot of moisture in the air that just makes everything cling and there's not a lot of sunlight. It'll warm up soon, but I'll have to be waiting almost a week for that to happen.

I did get some grocery stuff today, but the main grocery shopping will be next week or maybe even later--I have some food stockpiled in the freezer.

I just wanted to let everyone know how my day went and I didn't just dissapear from the face of the earth.

I'll be back later :)

Re: Rob's HH #12: Sisterhood of the Pattinson

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 9:58 am
by Suzan
Happy Saturday!

As promised I’m back to move my stuff into the new home. It’s a little late, but who cares when I have such a good excuse to post RobCrack. :D Are you ready? Here we go!


Lets have a look around. We need to find the perfect space to put the piano. And let’s not forget the guitar. I don’t particularly like the tiling in the new bathroom, but I think we can make it work…

“Are you done yet?” … Nope! :D

Let’s see what else do we need… Oh, pillows! Definitely need pillows! (In case we faint from that smirk. :swoon: ) And sleeping bags for unexpected visitors. I’m feeling a little cold at the moment (When is spring finally going to start already!?) so maybe this rug and this blanket can keep me warm.

Yep, that’ll do. I actually have to run, so replies will have to wait. It’s time to start using our brand new HH kitchen and make dinner.

(BTW, now that I've inspected this gif a little further... What the heck is he doing? It looks like he's trying to crack an egg, but there's no egg... Didn't have the budget to give him some real eggs Summit? Anyways, he can make it work. That's how good an actor he is. Theehee!)

See you soon!

Re: Rob's HH #12: Sisterhood of the Pattinson

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:28 pm
by Tornado
I am so sick of the rain. It had better stop raining soon! I'm so fed up with everything being wet all the time.

We're not sure yet if we'll be doing Clean Up Australia Day or not. It probably depends whether or not it's raining buckets when the time comes, although it was raining buckets for most of yesterday, so it's going to be wet as anyway.

Sarah - I hope you enjoyed your hangout day. I'm not even sure which DVDs they're going to have out over here. We've got another three weeks to wait for them. :(

Sean - so you did manage to talk to your boss? Hopefully it will get better now.

Suzan - thanks for all the decorating. That shot of Edward and Bella ... er, relaxing, would have to be one of my favourites. He looks sooooo happy!

Re: Rob's HH #12: Sisterhood of the Pattinson

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:15 pm
by Chernaudi
Hi everyone.

I'll probably have to work on my fan fic tonight just for something to do--there's really nothing on TV and it's gonna be cold and miserable out tonight.

I just tried some of those new Lays chips I got last night. Chicken and waffles is pretty good, and though I like the saracha hot sauce ones, I can understand why others won't like it--water or other fluid is a requirement when eating those. Trying to figure out what to make for dinner tonight, too. I sort of want fried chicken, but I have a couple cans of soup that I've been wanting to eat, too.

It's just gonna be kinda a boring night--I can't wait for it to warm up later this week, and it to stay that way so I can at least stay up and go to sleep whenever I want.

Update: I'm about to start a little bit of work on my fan fic. Most of the work that I'm gonna do will probably be later today because I'm pretty tired right now. I'll also try and do a bit more with looking up a few things later tonight, too, now that it's technically Sunday. I'll probably get a lot more done with both things later on when I get back up.

I'll be back later :)