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Re: Rachelle LeFevere as Victoria

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:10 am
by DangerMagnet43
I am going to watch the clips will make the world right again, lol.

Re: Rachelle LeFevere as Victoria

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:26 am
by urcoolcarrie
Gah. I don't even know what to think anymore. With the statement from summit...ugh.

I still want to side with rachelle on the whole issue just because I want her in, but I'm no longer going to say it was "all summits fault" like I have been. I'm just so confused and I don't really know what to do.

Why couldn't they just ALL work out scheduling issues TOGETHER. then this wouldn't have even happened. whatever.

Re: Rachelle LeFevere as Victoria

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:07 am
by Amanda Beth
Maybe if she had told Summit back when she was signing or thinking of signing on with this other movie what the deal with the overlap was this wouldn't be the situation-- but she told them 9 days ago and they start shooting in a week or two right? It's a huge cast and crew... I'm sure there are really detailed schedules that would be a horror to change. I don't think Summit would put out false information --esp the fact that they used specific dates and stuff-- so I'm going to believe them over Rachelle's rep.

Re: Rachelle LeFevere as Victoria

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:12 am
by themeadow
This is all just a huge mess...I wish Rachelle could stay! You know what gets me though is that KStew and RPattz are both doing movies between NM and Eclipse and have managed to avoid any conflicts. I dunno. The whole thing just sucks in general :roll:.

Re: Rachelle LeFevere as Victoria

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:13 am
by UnfreakinBelievable
I'm agreeing with everyone that said they hate inconsistencies with the actors during a series. That's the reason I wanted Taylor to keep his Jacob role (well, that and he is completely adorable).

I really, really like Rachelle, she has a very magnetic personality and I LOVED her line in Twilight "I'm the one with the wicked curveball". She was an awesome Victoria.

I'm trying to accept this new casting with an open mind, even though I was shocked to hear the news. I looked up Bryce Dallas Howard on IMDB (just going by the name I wasn't even sure if they were a female, LOL) and she is completely gorgeous! I can totally see her as Victoria, but I don't know what her acting is like. I hope she can bring something to the role and do as well as Rachelle would have done. It will bug me that it isn't Rachelle but hopefully it will turn out OK.

p.s. Did you know that Bryce's DAD is a little-known director named RON HOWARD?? Hmmm, interesting . . . .

Re: Rachelle LeFevere as Victoria

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:25 am
by DangerMagnet43
UnfreakinBelievable wrote:p.s. Did you know that Bryce's DAD is a little-known director named RON HOWARD?? Hmmm, interesting . . . .
Yes, yes I did. And I am not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, but I also find it odd that they cast her so quickly. There was no-hey we have to recast. It was a done deal. Then again I am guilty of enjoying conspiracy theories, lol

Realistically, though. I don't know much about Bryce, but she does appear to have the potential for an"evil glint" to her eyes.
The other thing, and have to mention this....
the vamps are all young. The guy cast for Riley looks very young. Bryce looks alot older than Rachelle...It's almost screaming 'cougar' to me......
Had to be honest...

Re: Rachelle LeFevere as Victoria

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:59 am
by Devious Cullen
This is total BULL. When they filmed Twilight, Cam had to go and do another movie, so they scheduled his scenes so he would be able to do both. They could do that for Rachelle too if they wanted to. Man up Sumit.

Re: Rachelle LeFevere as Victoria

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:04 am
by Angelvamp
I have the articles and I have to say, there's something rotten in Hollywood. But like that's some big surprise! I ABSOLUTELY HATE that Summit replaced Rachelle with Bryce Dallas HOWARD. Yeah, I'm sure the fact that her dad is RON HOWARD had nothing to do with her career. I just think it's wrong. If you read between the lines of Summit's statement, they basically say that yes, they did get rid of Rachelle over 10 days of overlap and get off their backs because they can do whatever they want! When I first read that BDH was cast as Victoria, I thought something happened to Rachelle or that she voluntarily relinquished her role. Yes, I thought it was weird (after all her hard work, back when they didn't think the movie would make money) but I shrugged. Now that I have read everything, I am livid that money and politics have sullied my perfect little Twilight world. TEAM RACHELLE!!!

Re: Rachelle LeFevere as Victoria

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:09 am
by Amanda Beth
Wow you guys are ruthless. No one has laid any fault on Rachelle it seems... yet she's the one who withheld another filming engagement until ten days ago. Looking at it from a business standpoint, because that's what I'm in, I'd be livid if I was Summit's position. Rachelle made a horrible business move. I doubt who Bryce's father is has much to do with it-- she hasn't had a HUGELY successful career yet and if she did use her father's name then you would think she would have had a lot more exposure.

Look at it this way-- say the big Eclipse fight scene at the camp was already scheduled within those days and since both Rob and Kristen are in them then that would mean THEIR entire schedule would need to be switched up? Yeah... THAT'S FAIR.

Re: Rachelle LeFevere as Victoria

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:18 am
by Angelvamp
"Hasn't anyone ever told you? Life isn't fair."
"I belive I have heard that somewhere before."

I think that's the issue, what's fair and what isn't. And possibly the semantics of fair. Did Rachelle breach contract? Or did Summit? That, to me, will be the deciding factor, if we ever find out about it. The reason I side with Rachelle is exactly as Amanda Beth puts it. Looking at it from a business standpoint...that's all that matters. Not the film's consistency, or the fact that Rachelle signed on for the role when BDH wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot cattle prod (had she even known about it, funny how she wants to be involved now that it's a big money maker). Business is business, and it isn't about being fair. Summit could have worked around it (like they did with Cam) or perhaps given Rachelle the option of deciding whether to continue with her Hoffman movie. Instead, they just recasted. With a VERY SUCCESSFUL actress. Bryce Dallas Howard was in at least 3 blockbuster movies, I would call that being successful. I'm not saying Rachelle was completely in the right here. She totally could have handled the situation better. But I do think that Summit saw dollar signs and threw integrity out the window.