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Spoiler Policy for the Official Illustrated Guide?

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:50 am
by corona
I have a question for the moderators. We have a lot of discussions on issues of dispute here at the forum. Lots of fun involved, but there is certainly the potential that the Official Illustrated Guide will actually settle some of those disputes once and for all.

For example, we have the imprinting threads, and we discuss things like what the true nature of imprinting actually is. What would happen if the OIG gives the definitive answer on that? Would it be allowed to mention that on those threads (or any other thread), or would that be considered a spoiler? This is going to be a little odd, because the OIG will be more like a very organized and extensive interview with SM where she fills in some of the gaps for us (no problem there), while at the same time it is going to be a new published work (uh oh, spoiler territory). :?

Re: Spoiler Policy for the Official Illustrated Guide?

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:53 am
by December
Great question -- and I take your point. We'll get back to you here as soon as we've had a chance to discuss it and come to a decision about our policy.

Re: Spoiler Policy for the Official Illustrated Guide?

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:45 am
by corona
Thanks, December. Let me add a more concrete example.

We know that SM is going to include character profiles. This is an assumption, but I fully expect her to include the special talents for all of the named vampires in the series. We know that Heidi has a special talent, the exact nature of which has occasionally been discussed here. I am expecting the OIG to answer that question, and for all of the other vampires. We don't know exactly what is going to be in the OIG, but if I were betting on one single thing that would be it.

Re: Spoiler Policy for the Official Illustrated Guide?

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:53 pm
by Openhome
At this point in time, the Lex will not have a spoiler policy for the Guide. The Guide will contain the very information that the Lexicon want's to provide for our readers. So, once it hits the market, you are free to post away at any information you find. Between you and I, it will be a race between our members to see who gets it here first! :duel: