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Re: Randomness ~ A perfect 10!

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:55 pm
by allieb
heyy so im back from babysitting.... here's how THAT went :roll: (haha mary im posting this here too, its from the PM)

1- got there and got molested by the dog who scratched my arm and it is red.
2- listened to the mother yell at the kids to be good. then she called them brats. (not inaccurate just sad that she would resort to that. )
3- broke up a verbal fight in front of the mother
4- got thanked for doing the dirty work of dealing with her kids (those were fairly close to her original kids)
5- mom leaves. all hell breaks loose. (again, my language is getting worse. sorry )
6-got fought over who wanted to spend time with me first
7- told them to stop fighting only to get told to shut up
8- sent one boy to his room and had to sing Camp ROck songs with the little girl (thank god i knew them... she would yell at me when i got ONE little word wrong)
9- wrestled my make up bag away from the dog, while praying he didnt eat anything that would make him throw up (i only brought it for chapstick, serves me right i suppose)
10- looked at hundreds of baseball cards
11- fought over whether or not the girl could stay in his room during the boys "Allie time"
12- broke up a fist fight and got a light punch to the jaw.
13- sent them to their rooms, which reduced both to tears.
14- listened to them yell at each other for ten minutes
15- threatened to take away t.v. which reduced them to tears again
16- broke up another fist fight
17- listened to the first grade girl explain to me matters of sexual education
18- told her that it was inappropriate
19- watched american idol while being growled at and bitten by their dog.
20- dad came home and i left
21- while walking down the street i slipped and fell on my butt

and what do i have to show for all this.........??
a wet pari of jeans
a purple splotch on my hip
and $15 bucks

GROSSSSS. it was a LONG night. and that was precisely 1 hour 45 minutes of them. gosh danggit!!
normally i like kids too!
kkswmmr114-(sorry i dont know your name... even though you have probably told me it a billion times :oops: ) im realllllyyy sorry. that is.... unbelievable really. wow. :? well if you ever want someone to talk to.... even though you dont really know me... im here. i was in danger of having skin cancer like three times. never that serious though. im sorry.

well i guess that sums up my evening. oh and i think this post passes all the length rules yea??
byee loversss =]
Si je pouvais ĂȘtre une princesse, Rob serait brille dans la nuit de mon armure. -If I could be a princess, Rob would be my night in shining armor.


Re: Randomness ~ A perfect 10!

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:09 pm
by maddy<3twilight
What? No Leah?
That sucks...
That kinda wrecks it...
There has to be a girl werewolf...
Ok well there better be a seth... He is one of my favorites.

Anyway I am going to bed. See you guys later.


I am tired.

I REALLY want to meet Taylor Lautner. I want to tackle him. :lol: That would be fun.

Not like die tackle like football fun tackle...

Re: Randomness ~ A perfect 10!

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:11 pm
by ashiekins16
Sam- haha yes, its all you. you're just soo cool. =)

maddy- i watched lost! did you like it?
lost is so amazing!

Random: I'm watching Real World right now...drama! haha

I just realized I have like nothing to say. lol
I think Im going to take a shower then maybe read some more..
or do more of my puzzle..
havent decided..

ill be back sure this thread will be gone by tomorrow..

Re: Randomness ~ A perfect 10!

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:39 pm
by twilight813
hey randies!

ok so Deven what is the "HE" part am I missing something?? lol.

Hey SHel my BeLL! How are you?? I am missing your PM's!

Holy Crap my bf is watching Fringe right now and it totally freaked me out. Some kid was on his computer and he got a message and he clicked on it, and it was a whole thing of freaky pictures then a hand came out and grabbed his head out of his screen!!! ahhh!! freaked me out!! scarier then The Ring!

Hey Lynz!! How was your dinner thing last night?? We didnt get an icestorm but my basement flooded today. and guess where i live.. in the basement.. good times!

Re: Randomness ~ A perfect 10!

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:29 pm
by allieb
haha kay kayy.
i just watched top chef! omg yayyy.... im so happy about who didnt go home! =]=]
but im not gonna say because i dont wanna ruin it!! haha. but when you watch it.... know that Allie is happy. haha =] =] =]
hmmmmm.... okayy just a few things before i drag my butt of to bed.

DEVEN: sorry i couldnt stay up to wait for the full report =( my bad!! fill me in tomorrow yesss?? haha
MARY: i hope spanish goes well.... good luckie girlie!
SAM: i love straightening my hair. (just thought id let you know =]=] )
LYNZ: okayy.... official business here. now that this randomness is coming to a close... can i be a regular?? oh please!! or do i need to wait til the end of another thread?? haha just lemme know!! =]=] thanks girlie!! love ya.

hmm i guess thats it then =]=] well i'll be getting up two hours later because my county is on a delay. haha. they are super paranoid! oh well i ain't complaining! =]=]

Byeee loverrrssss =]=] (<--- sorry that is just so darn fun to say!) =]
J'ai deux heures de retard. - I have a two hour delay.

Re: Randomness ~ A perfect 10!

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:40 am
by threethings
My lovalies! I missed thee so much!
So I and the Taycob girls made a fabulous site, as Maddy posted.
I'm very excited about it! It took most my time though, and I forgot to post.
I started a blog, see the website on my profile.

I'm off to bed soon, I should. I went at 2 last night. I should also post on EDC, but not tonight.
Sheesh, to much to do! My girls and guys!

No song today.

Re: Randomness ~ A perfect 10!

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:58 am
by deven
maddy- there will be a leah and seth just not in new moon. they didnt have a big role in the book either.

twilight813- im sorry i dont know your name? but the know the one person who left when when bellas capturer killed that one trying to be and in phurys book he has chapter about how he is trying to dye...=[

miss allie!!--no worries...i will give my report tomorrow..i already sent you a PM! ugh! what a night!!!

well JOY!!!

im really gunna go read phury in a bit!

Re: Randomness ~ A perfect 10!

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:39 am
by Tengo Nubs.
i was afraid that i wouldn't have time to post tomorrow before the thread was gone....probably i will. but anyway, here i am posting at 130 in the morning and talking to no one. haha. oh well.

today i had another snow day, which was fantastic. i think all school weeks should only be three days long. i really should write someone about that...... :lol:
anyway, i did nothing all day, as most of you probably expect from me by now. i made chocolate chip pancakes (finally!), watched some buffy and then spent an inordinately large amount of time working on my stupid spanish homework. i started it at 7 and just now finished it.....but this is probably because the entire time i was talking to sam/kym/lynz, which considerably slowed my pace :lol:

my toes are very cold right now.

oh! tomorrow my teacher canceled my theology class, which i am extremely excited about!! i hate that class so not going for an entire week has been bliss! awesome. but i do need to email my group. someone needs to remind me of that.....

i need to PM ayan back before she thinks i forgot about her. that would be incredibly tragic....

hey layla!! i haven't talked to you in awhile. that's very sad. i should do something about that....

alright, i've got nothing else to say methinks! so i'm going to go to bed i guess.

goodbye randomness ten!! you have indeed been perfect! :D :D
(i'll feel awesome tomorrow if it DOESN'T run out :roll: )

Re: Randomness ~ A perfect 10!

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:13 am
by maddy<3twilight
ashiekins16 - sorry I don't know your name but. YA! I knew it. I was right all along. They went back in time and before Richard came out of the shadows I yelled RICHARD because he doesn't age...

deven- Oh I see I see...

Anway I have to go to school or I will be late.
I am absolutley freezing and tired right now.
I hope my teacher does those drama games to wake us up because then we don't have to do work...

I think in High School I am taking Buisness and Tech...
Wow no girls take tech but I'm cool like that... Anyway haha :lol:

I told my friend that I would wear a slinky on my arm to school and say I made it as a bracelt and then flip it over and show the meijer logo on it... hehe :lol:
Wow I am weird...

Anyway Talk to you later and maybe even on Randomness 11. Bye Randomness 10...

Re: Randomness ~ A perfect 10!

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:52 am
by sachael
ohh... 5 more pages and we'll have #11... nice... but it'z quite slower now.. unlike the previous threads we have..

i have seen the movie labyrinth for the nth time now.. and i am so in love with the goblins and the goblin king...
"fear me, love me, do as i say and i'll be your slave" -- i was actually thinking of jackson saying that.. hahaha
my phone is still broken.. i can only see half of the screen.. dang.. the repair is so expensive..

and i saw trailers of Dragon ball and Street Fighter Legend of Chunli and that reminded me of The Last Airbender (which jackson will play as Sokka.. ) and i'm so excited.. i will really watch those.. i'm a big anime fan!!!