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Re: Chapter 1 ~ Ultimatum

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 9:10 pm
by (E.C.Is.Mine)
1. Are Charlie's feelings toward Edward justified?
I didn't really see why Charlie had to be so mean, although i can understand why he didn't like edward. they are somewhat justified, but personally i thought charlie was a BIT rash.

2. Have you ever had a parent disapprove of a relationship?
yes, i have. only once, though. it wasnt that big of a deal, hahah.

3. Describe your thoughts about Jacobs's message to Bella.
i agreed with his thought about them being like little kids, how they couldn't talk. it annoyed me simply because edward got so overprotective after he came back, learning what bella was like when he was gone. the note passing was a good way to show what they were feeling, though.

4. Do you feel Edward was being unreasonable in not wanting Bella to go to La Push?
YES. Very very unreasonable. I mean, come on! They're freaking werewolves! Edward kept comparing what Jacob could do to her to what Sam Uley did to Emily. I didn't see it that way; I didn't think Bella could make Jacob that mad and i also thought if she did by some odd chance, jacob would run away or hold back. i just had that feeling.

5. Do your Dad and his best friend gossip like old women?
not at all! i thought the gossip between billy and charlie was kind of cute :lol:

Re: Chapter 1 ~ Ultimatum

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:40 pm
by MissMagnolia
1. Are Charlie's feelings toward Edward justified?
Yes, they are justified. First, he had to see the way Bella was when Edward left her. She was a zombie and that was so hard for him to witness. Then, Bella disappears for three days with only a note saying she is going to go see Edward. In Charlie's eyes he only sees what Edward has done to his daughter and how he puts her in danger by running off to save him.

2. Have you ever had a parent disapprove of a relationship?
Yes, I got my heartbroken by this boy who I had been dating on and off for three years, and then about two to three weeks later I start a serious relationship with another boy. They were just worried I would lose my friendship with this relationship went wrong like I did with my previous boyfriend. Now after three years, I think like having him around all the time too.

3. Describe your thoughts about Jacobs's message to Bella.
I was heartbroken for Jacob. Now it seems like he is having to deal with the same thing she went through when Edward left. I know Bella is trying to still be friends with him, but Jacob knows that there cannot be a relationship because of Edward.

4. Do you feel Edward was being unreasonable in not wanting Bella to go to La Push?
YES!! He owes Jacob for saving his Bella
5. Do your Dad and his best friend gossip like old women?
Yes, I think they are worse than old women lol

Re: Chapter 1 ~ Ultimatum

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:58 pm
by Lauren Hale
1. Are Charlie's feelings toward Edward justified?
-Well, i know that if some guy had put me into the deep depression that Bella was put into, my dad would act the same, so to some extent it was justified, however I think EVENTUALLY he should trust Bella when she says that Edward didnt WANT to leave her.

2. Have you ever had a parent disapprove of a relationship?
-Oh yeah, my parents have not approved of any of my sisters' relationships, and usually they do turn out to be right...with me however my parents dont have to worry so much ;)

3. Describe your thoughts about Jacobs's message to Bella.
-I think that Jake has EVERY right to be angered, because bella was "sick" and jake was th eone who "nursed her back to health" in a sense, they became very close and i understand he felt he was losing her, but i also think him and edward need to at least TRY to put the fact that they are "mortal Enemies" aside.

4. Do you feel Edward was being unreasonable in not wanting Bella to go to La Push?
-Once again him and Jake need to look at the facts; they are lucky enough to even have a friend that doesnt mind one of them being a vampire and one of them being a werewolf. They should at lest try...for Bella.

5. Do your Dad and his best friend gossip like old women?
-um not so much my dad, my mom does though.

Re: Chapter 1 ~ Ultimatum

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:20 pm
by mistytwilight85
1. Are Charlie's feelings toward Edward justified?

I think he is justified in his belief. From his view point, Edward just left, and completly tore apart his daughters entire world leaving her a complete emotional wreckage. Then he all of a sudden shows up, with his daughter looking like she was injured/sick/whatever (She was just dead tired), and no one will give him a straight answer of what happened. Who expects him to be all happy go lucky to see Edward back with his daughter? I know if I was Charlie at that point I would act the same way towards Edward. Atleast later he softens up to him.

2. Have you ever had a parent disapprove of a relationship?: Yea

3. Describe your thoughts about Jacobs's message to Bella.

I feel really bad for Jake. He loves Bella, and he knows she only likes him as a friend, but he still hopes that that will change. All of a sudden the Cullens comes back, and Bella is ripped away from him. (Well actually she rips herself away when Alice gets back and she leaves him). He finds out that not only was she willing to die to save Edward, but that she also WANTS to become a vampire. *What an emotional kick in the gut that is for him*. So now she is with his mortal enemy, a vampire, and she wants to become a vampire, but he still loves her. He is confused about what to do and can't figure out to express himself. You can just see all the pain and depression he is dealing with in the letter. He has some powerful emotions showing through the letter. I feel really bad for him.

4. Do you feel Edward was being unreasonable in not wanting Bella to go to La Push?

I think he is being a little unreasonable. I can understand where he is coming from, but he is the one who left her at first. She was literally a zombie because of what he did, and Jake slowly helped to piece her back together (of course he could never completly do that) but he made her happy, and was there for her when Edward wasn't. Now Edward is back, Jake is her Best Friend, Bella wants to see Jake very badly, and Edward won't let her anywhere near him. I know that he is worried, but getting to the point of being controling is just uncalled for. Just my opinion.

5. Do your Dad and his best friend gossip like old women?

Only when he has had a few drinks and is in his gossipy mood lmao :mrgreen: he is kind of entertaining, it's fun to listen to.

Re: Chapter 1 ~ Ultimatum

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 3:00 pm
by slayerchick303
1. Are Charlie's feelings toward Edward justified?

To a point. I think that Charlie definitely has a right to be concerned about Bella after all the behavioural changes she went through in New Moon after Edward left. Then, her running-off with absolutely no explanation to Italy would have increased his concern. After Edward's return, I think Charlie was so anxious and agitated by Edward's return because he didn't want Bella to go through the anguish she endured in New Moon if Edward were to leave again. However, I do feel that once Charlie recognized that Edward had no intention of leaving and that Bella and Edward were truly in love, he should have stepped-back and stopped being rude.

2. Have you ever had a parent disapprove of a relationship?

Hahaha. Yes, but most of my relationships I knew my parents would not approve of I never told them about. I know I never brought several of the people I was involved with home to meet my family. I'd rather them be ignorant of my relationships than to bother me with concerns constantly.

3. Describe your thoughts about Jacobs's message to Bella.

I thought it was extraordinarily rude! Seriously, if I were to write a letter/note to someone along the same lines as Jacob's note to Bella, I would have at least had the courtesy to rip-off the section I decided to not write. I wouldn't leave that section in the note with a simple line scratched through the sentences that would still make it painfully obvious to read. What a jerk!

4. Do you feel Edward was being unreasonable in not wanting Bella to go to La Push?

Yes and no. I think when he saw how much pain it was causing Bella to stay away from La Push, he should have agreed to let her go. I could understand him refusing to let her go despite her feelings if he knew she was not being protected by Jacob's pack there, but upon learning the protection she was offered by them while he was gone during New Moon, he should have conceded to let her go knowing she would be safe.

5. Do your Dad and his best friend gossip like old women?

No. My mother is a huge gossip. Actually, she mostly discusses my business. She tells my life-story to everyone around her (despite my direct expression and her knowledge of my desire for her to stop displaying my life to every person she meets). She discusses other people's lives, but not to the excessive extent she does of mine.

Re: Chapter 1 ~ Ultimatum

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 3:48 pm
by Mrs.Cullen1710
1. Are Charlie's feelings toward Edward justified?

Well yes just because he's in the dark about everything and in his point of view this is the guy that broke my daughter's heart and ruined her life.

2. Have you ever had a parent disapprove of a relationship?

Yes, Every parent has aleast one.

3. Describe your thoughts about Jacobs's message to Bella.

I think it was kind of sweet that he was trying to find the words that didnt hurt her feelings even though he was upset that she basically pick Edward over him.

4. Do you feel Edward was being unreasonable in not wanting Bella to go to La Push?

Yes and No. First Edward came back not knowing what kind of relationship Bella and Jacob had (Jacob comforting and protecting her). He just sees Jacob as a dangerous werewolf like Jacob sees Edward as a dangerous Vampire.

5. Do your Dad and his best friend gossip like old women?

No :lol:

Re: Chapter 1 ~ Ultimatum

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:21 pm
by slayerchick303
1. Are Charlie's feelings toward Edward justified?

The more I think about Charlie's point-of-view, the more I realize that he was a little more justified in regards to his behaviour toward Edward than I initially thought. Despite his subdued exterior, Charlie does worry, care, and love Bella more than he can express. The thought of Bella enduring even one more second of pain causes Charlie pain as well. He knows that Bella's pain has been caused mostly by Edward and therefore he wants to do everything in his power to reduce/eliminate the possibility of Bella being injured by Edward again. I know he cares about the reckless behaviour that Bella was exhibiting when Edward left and when she left without explanation at the end of New Moon, but I believe he cares more about her well-being than her actions.

Re: Chapter 1 ~ Ultimatum

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:33 am
by _SteF_
1. Are Charlie's feelings toward Edward justified?
Yes.. parents are mostly always looking out for their child's well being. But i can see from bella's point of view that it would be less challenging if he trusted her feelings toward him. In the big picture its justified.

2. Have you ever had a parent disapprove of a relationship?
Not to any dramatic circumstances. Only friendships.

3. Describe your thoughts about Jacobs's message to Bella.
I thought it was heartfelt n heartbreaking all at the same time. Jacob cares much for bella probably as much as edward does.

4. Do you feel Edward was being unreasonable in not wanting Bella to go to La Push?
He has his reasons for her safety. But its Bella's choice. The pack in la push never would harm her intentionally. And her relationship with Jacob is so important to her that she'd risk the danger.

5. Do your Dad and his best friend gossip like old women?
definitely not lol.

Re: Chapter 1 ~ Ultimatum

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:40 pm
by KaylaMarieBlack7
1. Are Charlie's feelings toward Edward justified?
I think that his feeling towards Edward is very justified. After having to deal with Bella in New Moon, Charlie is afraid that Edward might hurt Bella again. He doesn't think that Bellas hould just forgive Edward so fast..
2. Have you ever had a parent disapprove of a relationship?
Yes. It was when I was like 14. His name was Jeromey. Something happend, and my parents just hated him.
3. Describe your thoughts about Jacobs's message to Bella.
I was kind of mad that he would just give up on being her friend so fast. They're suppose to be like best friends, and usually best friends can make it through hard times together. Because you have to admit..this is a really hard time for them both. With Edward being back its hard to Bella and Jacob to see each other...
4. Do you feel Edward was being unreasonable in not wanting Bella to go to La Push?
I think he is wrong for not letting her go down to La Push. She has a right to go there. She has friends there. Friends there that were there when Edward wasn't. He shouldn't take that away from her.
5. Do your Dad and his best friend gossip like old women?
Not really. They just act really funny. And his friends. Expecially one that has known me since I was in always talking to me about life..and all that kind of stuff.

Re: Chapter 1 ~ Ultimatum

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:02 pm
by lag28wa
1. Are Charlie's feelings toward Edward justified?
Hmm, of course reading from Bella's perspective I think "no". But if I were to put myself solely in Charlie's shoes, then yes. I can only imagine how helpless he felt last fall after Edward left Bella and also afraid, he didn't know if she was going to be alright, it got so bad that she considered hospitalizing her. I think he was just as hurt watching Bella endure pain day in and day out, and felt utterly hopeless as how to help her. At this point, I sometimes think Charlie is taking his resentment a little far at times towards Edward, but I can still totally understand where he is coming from!

2. Have you ever had a parent disapprove of a relationship?
Actually no. I didn't have many relationships through my high school years and had really one serious relationship after that before the one I'm in now, which lead to marriage. My parents are very open minded and seem to be of the mentality that if I'm happy they're happy. That or they're really good at faking it. Haha. I have never felt disapproval from them regarding a relationship.

3. Describe your thoughts about Jacobs's message to Bella.
Are we talking about the note he wrote her? Or when he showed up to remind her and Edward about the treaty. Both make me sad that Bella has to be seperated from her best friend, but I'm still holding out hope that the vampires and werewolves can come to some sort of understanding, since their interests seem to be the same. It was so apparent in all of Jacob's written and then crossed out notes how much pain he is in. He's completely hurt by Bella being with Edward, which I understand, but at the same time, I wish he wouldn't be because I fele Edward is right for her. Like I said, I want there to be some sort of resolution between all parties. Things are getting complicated and going to be tricky though.

4. Do you feel Edward was being unreasonable in not wanting Bella to go to La Push?
A little yes. I didn't fear for Bella's safety at all, even with the knowledge of Paul almost attacking her and what happened to Emily. I just have never really felt that the pack held much danger for Bella at all. I rather feel she's very safe with them. I also know that part of Edward not wanting Bella to go to La Push is because he can see Jacob's thoughts and he knows how much Jacob cares for her. I think there is a part of him, even if its a tiny part that worries about how he'll act on his feelings for her, or if its possible for Jacob to say or do something that would change the way Bella acts or feels about him. This is something that I think is valid for Edward to be feeling. Part of it seems to be unselfish- he's protecting her, and a small part of it seems selfish- he's protecting himself, keeping her for himself.

5. Do your Dad and his best friend gossip like old women?
Lol, yes actually. My dad is a major kid at heart. He doesn't gossip always, but he's definitely one ot get into it! Not only that but he's just goofy, he plays around like his kids and laughs hysterically at immature jokes. Haha. I love my dad.